
How Search Engines Work & Why Good Content Rises to The Top

The way Google, the world’s most used search engine with nearly 4 billion searches per day, and other search engines work remains a mystery to many people who rely on them to deliver traffic to their websites and blogs. Let’s be honest. Search engines are complicated. They function with the use of complex formulas that most of us don’t fully understand. The good news is you don’t need a degree in computer science to understand the basics of how they operate.

The 1 Thing Every Blog and Website Needs (Plus 2 Websites That Get it Right)

I’ll give it away right at the beginning. There’s no need to scroll down to find out what the one thing is that every blog and website needs. The one thing that every blog and website needs is authenticity. Whether you have a standalone blog, an e-commerce website, or a website with a blog embedded inside of it your content needs to be authentic.

How to Format a Blog Post

Just like essays, articles, and research papers blog posts have a very specific way they should be organized. Proper formatting not only makes blog posts visually appealing it increases the likelihood they'll be read all the way through. Formatting blog posts correctly can even increase the chance that visitors to your blog will return to read more blog posts in the future or become an email subscriber.

Blogs: The Past, The Present and Why They’re Here to Stay

Blogs began as single web pages called weblogs where people documented personal experiences and gave their perspectives on a wide range of topics. Much like a journal or diary, blogs gave users a home for their thoughts, but they also had the added benefit of allowing them to make their entries accessible to an audience of their choosing. Stand-alone blogs could be set as completely private or published to the internet but entirely invisible to search engines. Blogs set up this way typically highlighted a personal event like a wedding, the birth of a child, or a recent trip to a travel destination and were only shared with family and friends. Eventually, the people who wrote blog entries began writing about broader topics like politics, entertainment, self-help, and sports. They became officially known as bloggers, and they shared their content on social media and by email and built huge audiences. The Present & The Future of Blogs These days, blog posts still app

What Blogs Are and How They Work

A blog is a single web page where content including audio, video and blog posts, articles or other written content are uploaded daily. The blog’s content, known as blog posts, appears in reverse chronological order with the most recent post at the top and older entries at the bottom.

Why I Still Write With a Pen and Paper

What I'm going to say may shock some people. If time and place permit I write the first draft of many of my blog posts and articles and even web copy or marketing materials by hand, in cursive, on loose-leaf paper or in a spiral notebook. If you're wondering why I resort to 20th-century methods when I have access to an unlimited number of writing apps and other programs designed to make the writing process easier, my answer to you may seem a little unusual. Here goes. 1. It feels more intimate There's no feeling quite like curling up with a notebook and allowing the creative process to flow completely uninterrupted. For me, computers, tablets, and smartphones create a barrier between me and the place I need to put my thoughts. For example, when I write on a computer, I have to engage with a word processing program so I can turn my ideas into something others can read. Red and green lines that highlight errors and the time it takes to format a document, not

Why Good About Page Content for Your Website or Blog is Vital for Success

Did you know the words that are written on the About page of your blog or website can make or break your relationship with your readers and either land you new clients or repel them entirely? So, why is About page content so important? While the other pages of a website or blog may contain things that business owners and website administrators think is important like informational articles and blog posts or potentially income-generating product descriptions or links to products or services, the about page does a few key things that other pages of a website don't.