What Blogs Are and How They Work

What Blogs Are and How They Work

A blog is a single web page where content including audio, video and blog posts, articles or other written content are uploaded daily. The blog’s content, known as blog posts, appears in reverse chronological order with the most recent post at the top and older entries at the bottom.

Blog posts can be sorted by topic with the use of single words or phrases called labels. Labels must be selected and added to the blog post before you click publish. A list of labels often appears on the blog’s sidebar. When you click a labels only the blog posts that have that particular tag will appear on the blogs home page.

How Blogs Work

Just like websites, search engines like Google and Bing scan and index a blog's content and include any relevant information they find on its results pages. Blog post titles become links that can be clicked on by search engine users to take them to the content they need.

The use of specific keywords can increase the chances of an individual blog post appearing higher in search results for a particular topic. For example, a blog post about the Chicago Cubs winning the 2016 World Series in baseball that includes words and phrases people would likely type into search engines like “Cubs 2016 World Series roster” and “Cubs 2016 World Series ring” appears relevant and informative to the search engine bots that scan it so they'll move it ahead of other related content that uses fewer relevant keywords.

Blog posts that contain relevant and specific titles, search descriptions, headings, and permalinks also have a better chance of being placed closer to page one of search engine search results which may increase views and increase blog traffic overall.

Unlike websites which are a collection of static pages that contain content that doesn’t change often, blogs add a steady flow of new material regularly. Each new piece of content that’s added to a blog generates a new link that's ultimately listed on Google, Yahoo or Bing. New blog content can equal more blog or website traffic from search engines which in turn creates more visibility and possibly greater popularity on the internet.

Author: Chanel Polk


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