
Showing posts with the label Social Media

Why Linkedin is Better Than Facebook for Freelance Writers

Finding new clients and getting the word out about your services on social media isn't always easy. Contrary to what many people may believe it's about so much more than posting several times a day, conducting training sessions on Facebook Live, or even boosting posts or buying Facebook ads. These days, if you want your efforts to be successful you have to understand the differences between social media platforms so that you can determine which one will work best for your business.  When I decided to take the leap into copywriting the first thing I did was create a Facebook business page. I quickly realized that most of my followers were not seeing any of my posts due to changes in the social network's algorithms. Not to be deterred, I searched high and low for Facebook groups where I could network with other writers and find clients but soon discovered that most writers on Facebook did so for fun. It took a while, but I had to accept the fact that Facebook just